Find your new reality.
Choose your new normal.
There’s Another Way.
About TAW
TAW is a creation from Pete Dalby and Adam Halvorsen. Two friends striving to live an authentic, enriching life away from the toxic culture and societal norms that consumes too many of us - with a passion to help others to do the same.
Step into the transformative realm of the "There's Another Way," where Adam and Pete embark on a profound journey alongside extraordinary individuals who fearlessly defy conventions, crafting their existence on their own unwavering terms. Prepare to be captivated by their resolute tales of embracing alternate paths that truly nourish their souls and propel them forward.
How can we help
Weekly Newsletter and Blogs
We will send you weekly newsletters and post them in the blog below with insights, trends, thoughts, stories to help take the steps to another way.
Web Design, Branding and Creative
Leverage our other businesses, NuForm Digital and Melongrab Creative to get you started on your journey.
Deepdive conversations with inspiring people from all walks of life who can provide insights and inspirations from their stories.
Build the Foundation
Achieving a new normal and crafting the life that you want isn’t easy. It takes a plan, it takes a strategy, tactics and it takes discipline.