Build the Foundation
I would not recommend anyone rip cords their way to their new life.
Achieving a new normal and crafting the life that you want isn’t easy. It takes a plan, it takes a strategy, tactics and it takes discipline.
There’s Another Way isn’t a hack. It will take passion, hard work, but hard work that has more purpose and meaning driving it. The aim is to wake up every day excited, not to just sit around without direction.
If you rip cord it, it will create too much stress, put too much pressure to succeed fast and it will make you desperate. You will ultimately fail unless you are super super super lucky if you just quit what you are doing and take a leap.
Whilst for me the actual step was fairly immediate, e.g a three month notice period with a handover period etc, but the planning and the transition in many ways was 2 years in the making. I am not saying it will need to necessarily take this long but I think it’s a realistic expectation depending on your risk appetite, financial situation and your own unique variables.
Thanks! tAw